We have a fieldforce of approximately 750 interviewers, spread throughout the UK who have proven track records for quality interviewing.
Our team of interviewers are managed by eight regional supervisors, each with many years' service in the industry, most of whom have worked with Tony the Director at other research companies - some going back as long ago as 30 years. Therefore it's a good solid team of people who work well together and understand that each of our roles play an equally important part in making a project a success.
The company operates to recognised industry standards.
We use only fully trained interviewers who are monitored throughout the year. All aspects of our operations comply with the MRS Code of Conduct, GDPR and the Data Protection Act, because these are essential standards and procedures that give our clients reassurance that we take our work seriously.

Verification is conducted at a higher level than that stipulated by the IQCS, so you can be sure that a proportion of all data collected for every project is checked for accuracy and that interviewing has been conducted fully in compliance with the survey instructions.
As well as that, regular spot checks are conducted, carried out by Omni Research staff. This is an additional quality check that we implement to reinforce our commitment to providing accurate, robust data.